
News catchup

It has been a busy six months, combining talks and book signings where Sleeper's Castle was my focus, with research into my next novel.


As usual I started to suffer from a touch of schizophrenia, needing to put Sleepers behind me so I can concentrate on the future, but finding it hard to separate from the characters with whom I'd lived for the last two or three years. There was the jacket for the paperback to consider as well and news from my publisher about the dates they were considering for publication of that paperback and various other exciting plans in the pipeline. News from overseas publishers as well.


Then we have had the wonderful celebrations for the 30 year anniversary of Lady of Hay. I find that quite hard to get my head round. 30 years in print and a book that travelled the world.  It has made me think a lot about that amateur writer whose dream was to produce a novel, scribbling away on my own on the Welsh mountainside. I now live within sight of Hay Castle (perhaps that was inevitable, or Karma, or just serendipity) but amidst all the wonderful celebrations the party in the castle itself was incredibly special.


Set against all that is the increasing excitement as my new project gains momentum, set in a different period, a different place and with a new range of characters becoming increasingly vociferous in my head.


You would think I'd have got used to this by now. It happens with every novel. And I am just heading into my fifteenth! No doubt it will all resolve itself in the end.


And in the meantime I am being very strict with myself and have only a few events in the diary for this year in an attempt to keep on top of things. Sorry,  I would love to do more, but maybe that will have to wait until next year.
