
News for June

It has been a  busy few months – finalising and proof reading the The Story Spinner, drawing up maps and timelines, checking names and pronunciations  for more audio versions of earlier books, working on various new projects including preparing  for another workshop, writing a couple of short stories,  and researching the next novel (subject and plotline now firmly in place)   It is quite strange that after  promising myself a few days rest after the end of the Hay Festival (too many interesting events to go to there  plus a frightening amount of book shopping)  the time for my restful interlude has arrived and I’m not quite sure how to slow down. My whole life is writing and it is what I normally do as a hobby and recreation as well as, I suppose, being my  proper job, so  I’m not quite sure what to do with myself , I’m still too revved up – gardening, yes, cooking, a bit. Sleeping, but that doesn’t seem to come easily at the moment. I hope it does soon – I’m  exhausted!  

So, back to start  writing the new novel next week. I can’t wait.  Except we’ve updated my laptop. Big mistake. It now does lots of weird things I could quite well do without and still adamantly refuses to recognise the proofs sent my publisher.

In the meantime lots of lovely dates are being organised around the publication of The Story Spinner on 1stAugust.  I will put the details in the events column as soon as they are confirmed.
