
The silence is broken

Long silences occur when books are being written and sometimes when too much is happening, daily, to condense everything into news reports.  At least, that is my excuse! I have been writing six, seven, sometimes eight hours a day for months now and my head has felt sometimes like a concrete mixer for weeks on end - even my dreams have continued with the story, which has been very frustrating when I wake up to think I have written an especailly good bit, but the words have vanished into the mist.

But now, I am pleased to say, that the The Ghost Tree  has been written, the proofs have now been read and the book goes into production next week. Publication is scheduled for August 23rd.

Next my task is to sort through all my notes and photos to try and make sense of them for the website, and there is lots of material there to give an  extra dimension to your enjoyment of  the book. I know people like to see photos of the various places I write about and sometimes it's fun to give an insight into our adventures researching the background to the story, and to add bits of extra information about the characters and the history. 

So, to finish this news flash with two splendid cliches, it's back to the drawing board, and watch this space!
