It’s been such a busy few weeks I haven’t been very good at keeping my web site up to date. The publication of Time’s Legacy went without a hitch as far as I can see - the huge efforts made by my publishers to make it such a wonderfully attractive book paid off and by week two it was at No 6 in the Sunday Times top ten and it has had some fantastic reviews. The launch at Hampton Court was the most amazing event, not least because we spent the afternoon at the Hampton Court Flower Show first. I loved every minute of it! Then at 6 pm we rendezvoused with a glass of wine inside the palace before making our way to King Henry Vlll’s great hall where I was to give my talk on ghosts. This event was arranged by the Historic Royal Palaces members only author series. It was quite an awe inspiring moment to find oneself on the dais in such a huge and imposing venue and to realise that the whole palace – where I hadn’t been since I was a child – had such an amazingly spooky atmosphere. I gave the talk feeling a bit small and exposed, walls have ears, as I said in my talk! --- after which the audience came up with some fascinating questions and stories of their own experiences with ghosts. We finished with a guided tour of one or two or the more ghostly chambers and corridors followed by more wine while I signed books. The truly spooky moment was making ones way out at the end of the event when everyone else had gone and we were alone in the shadowy corridors. Very atmospheric! This event was part of the Historic Royal Palaces book club schedule and I hope very much that I’ll be doing another ‘ghostly event’ near to Halloween with Alison Weir at the Tower of London. This should be great fun, and if you are interested in how to join the club take a look at their website: