
Working from Home


So now the world is shutting down around us owing to the virus and I, like most authors, am secretly wondering why people are so horrified at the idea of working from home. Even before I became a full time writer I was a freelance editor way back in the day; the idea of commuting and working in an office never appealed and I loved the feeling of being surrounded by my desk, my books, my notebooks (I am still unable to resist buying notebooks. I have an entire basketful in the corner which I lust over as other people lust over a cupboard full of chocolate. Actually I lust over chocolate as well, but that is another story.) I think I am right in saying people get far more done, working from home. It is possible to concentrate without distractions (there are only so many episodes of Midsomer Murders one can watch in a day/week – sorry, Caroline)

 I normally mediate my alone-time as an author by visiting the sites of my research – landscapes, ruined castles, museums, galleries – but  this spring I had more or less finished that aspect of writing my next book and I am lucky enough to be already deep in rewrites of my first draft, so well on the way. Serendipitously good timing as things have turned out. 

 I am so sorry that Wrexham’s Carnival of Words has been cancelled, though that can come as no surprise. I was much looking forward to their History Day and having the opportunity to meet other readers and writers. But I hope to be there next year. Glancing at the internet this morning I see more and more events are being cancelled. All the more time for us all to read. Don’t forget your local bookshops will almost certainly post books to you if you can’t get out. Do support them and they will support you.

Wishing all my readers safe and well at this difficult time.
